Tools For Meaningful Conversations Nottingham July 3-4th

The following has been sent to the people who have already booked but there are still places:

Hello folks,

Hope you are enjoying the sunshine!

We are very please you have signed up to our training next week and we just wanted to get in touch to give you some information which might be useful in preparation for Tuesday and Wednesday’s training.

Please arrive at St Christopher’s Church, Nottingham, NG2 4AL by 9:15 for a prompt 9:30 start. We will be providing lunch, snacks and refreshments.

Given the weather recently, please make sure you wear appropriate clothing, we will be moving around a lot so we invite you to wear casual/ comfortable clothing.

Please bring, an open heart, open mind and open will to help you go beyond your learning edge. You will also need your own notebook and pen to take notes.

We will be taking pictures and filming some of the event, please do let us know if you prefer not to be included

This will be a very intensive workshop, we will be facilitating day Tuesday 9-5pm, then Wednesday will be mostly facilitated by you the participants. For this to happen we will be inviting those who can and want to make the most of this experience to be coached on day 1 5:30-7pm. We understand not everyone will be able to do this but encourage you to give yourself a push to do this as its through the practice of hosting that we can really learn and develop our skills.

This workshop was initially priced between £200- £300 and free to East Midlands CO Ltd members, however as we want to invite diversity, we are keen to not have a fee, and ask you all to make a contribution to costs on the day.

Pay as you feel, trusting in the generosity and synchronicity of rightful economy. 

We are looking forward to getting to know you and working with you, please let us know if you have any questions by contacting

We still have some spaces available so please help us get the word out through your networks by sharing the invitation on our website

You can join and share the facebook event  to connect with other participants.

Warm regards

Georgina, Fausto Jose and Paulette.


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